Battery Pennsylvania at Mokapu Point is a Marine Corps base today. It is difficult to visit and next to a firing range. (Guns from the USS Arizona.)
Some other Coastal Battery sites:
Battery Adair is under an admiral's house and used as a cellar.
Battery Arizona at Kahe Point is by a landfill owned by Waster Management. The guns for it were from the USS Arizona.
Oahu was ringed by hundreds of mass-produced pill boxes in 1942, many still exist. Also, many anti-aircraft batteries ()mostly 3-inch, 20mm) were constructed between 1942 and 1945.
Defending the Island Before Planes Took Over. --GreGen
My Cooter's History Blog has become about 80% World War II anyway, so I figured to start a blog specific to it, especially since we're commemorating its 70th anniversary and we are quickly losing this "Greatest Generation." The quote is taken from Pearl Harbor survivor Frank Curre, who was on the USS Tennessee that day. He died Dec. 7, 2011, seventy years to the day. His photo is below at right.
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