From the June 6th Chicago Tribune.
156,000-- Approximate number of Allied troops landed
73,00 Americans
83,115 British and Canadians
39-- Divisions slated to participate in the invasion
20 American
14 British
5 Canadian, French and Polish
4,414- verified deaths
2,499 American
1.915 other Allies
11,590--aircraft available tosupport the landings
14,674 sorties
127 lost aircraft
5,000-- ships in armada
9 battleships
23 cruisers
104 destroyers
71 large landing craft, minesweepers and merchantmen
100,000-- Allied land vehicles and weapons
This Was a Real Big Deal. --GreGen
My Cooter's History Blog has become about 80% World War II anyway, so I figured to start a blog specific to it, especially since we're commemorating its 70th anniversary and we are quickly losing this "Greatest Generation." The quote is taken from Pearl Harbor survivor Frank Curre, who was on the USS Tennessee that day. He died Dec. 7, 2011, seventy years to the day. His photo is below at right.
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