The USS North Carolina (BB-55) My all-time favorite warship. As an elementary school student in North Carolina, I donated nickels and dimes to save this ship back in the early sixties.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sunk Twice By Torpedoes-- Part 3

Continuing With Farris H. Burton's war experiences.

There were 18 survivors from Chickasaw City, 8 from the Firethorn, 17 from the Swiftsure, 21 from the Examelia and 15 from the Coloradan.  Two boats with 106 survivors were picked up five days later, Nov. 7th, by the U.S. Gulfstate.  Two later died.

One boat with 60 survivors made it to land near Barrcirinhas, Brazil.  Two later died.

Three from the Zaandam were unaccounted for, including one from the Firethorn.  Their boat was picked up by the USS PC-576, 84 days after the Zaandam sank.  They were adrift on the sea in an open boat after being that way for one of the longest periods of time in maritime history.  They spent six weeks in a hospital.

The U-174 was sunk April 23, 1943, south of Newfoundland after being depth-charged by U.S. aircraft.


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