The USS North Carolina (BB-55) My all-time favorite warship. As an elementary school student in North Carolina, I donated nickels and dimes to save this ship back in the early sixties.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

World War II Vets Battle German Subs Off East Coast

From the Nov. 5, 2012, WTMJ 620 Radio, Milwaukee, Wis. by Jodi Becker.

The 16th Honor Flight for World War II veterans left Milwaukee to Washington, D.C. to visit the WWII Memorial.

Howard Popp was on a submarine in 1943 and said: "Two torpedoes, we took.  The top bunk came down and knocked me out of bed.  The ship went down for maybe a half an hour.  I got into a lifeboat with four men, had a big hole in it.  I had to bail from 12:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. the next day.

"Sharks in water and I had to shoot at them."

A boat finally rescued them 12 hours later.  Mr. Popp ended up in a hospital with pneumonia from his ordeal and received a medical discharge from service.

Bob Romanowski of Oconomowak was in the Atlantic patrolling for U-boats.  "I was an 18-year-old kid.  I forgot all about it until I saw this history detective thing" a TV show about a German sub sunk off the coast of Long island Sound.

"When they mentioned the date, my wife was setting there there and I said, 'Jean, that's the same day we sank a submarine in Long Island Sound."


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