The USS North Carolina (BB-55) My all-time favorite warship. As an elementary school student in North Carolina, I donated nickels and dimes to save this ship back in the early sixties.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Shorpy Home Front Photos: Social Media 1943

6-7-16 SOCIAL MEDIA: 1943  May 1943 Arlington, Virginia.  "Reading the Sunday paper at Arlington farms, duration residence halls for women war workers."  Esther Bubley, OWI.

There was great need in the Federal Government for records keeping which had to be done manually.

Two young women are reading sections of the newspaper which is much wider than today's newspapers.  One is reading a color section of the the Sunday comics.

There was a painting/print on the wall behind them and a reader commented it was painted by Vincent Canade in the 1930s while working for the WPA Federal Art Project.  It had that look that much of the artwork had.


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