The USS North Carolina (BB-55) My all-time favorite warship. As an elementary school student in North Carolina, I donated nickels and dimes to save this ship back in the early sixties.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

WW II Acronyms and Names-- Part 3: Kilroy and Maggie's Drawers


Kilroy was a humorous image graffitied wherever American service personnel served.  There were many variations, but generally, he was a bald man with a prominent nose peaking over a wall with his fingers clutching the wall.



Basic to any rifle range.  For safety, there is a process of arranging yourself lying on the ground and holding your rifle and waiting to fire.    The loudspeaker would call, "Ready on the right, ready on the left, ready on the firing line, Maggie's drawers, commence firing."

When the words "Maggie's drawer's was shouted, a long thin pole was waved back and forth with a pair of women's bloomers attached to it.  It was a very sexist  activity and undoubtedly not used today.

I'm not sure this is entirely correct.   I looked it up and read that this was a large red flag that was waved when the shooter missed the target entirely.



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