From the August 13, 2013, History Channel.
The Allies and Axis both used the radio for propaganda purposes. Most broadcasts were aimed at their own populations, but others were there for their enemy. Their jobs was to spread hisinformation and foster discontent.
GERMANY-- Axis Sally (Mildred Gillars)-- from Maine
GERMANY-- Lord Haw Haw-- William Joyce-- very popular in Britain.
JAPAN-- Tokyo Rose (Iva Toguri)
BRITAIN-- Sefton Delmer
GERMANY-- Philippe Henriot-- Occupied f
GERMANY Fred W. Kaltenbach
My Cooter's History Blog has become about 80% World War II anyway, so I figured to start a blog specific to it, especially since we're commemorating its 70th anniversary and we are quickly losing this "Greatest Generation." The quote is taken from Pearl Harbor survivor Frank Curre, who was on the USS Tennessee that day. He died Dec. 7, 2011, seventy years to the day. His photo is below at right.
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